Sarah Palin and Obama Won't Get Porn .XXX Sites

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Sarah Palin and Obama Won't Get Porn .XXX Sites

Your wet dreams are set to ache addition setback as Sarah Palin, Barack Obama and Beyonce accept been afar from the porny .xxx area by the anthology manager, ICM Registry. The account of VIPs is long, conceivably in the thousands.

In fact, ICM claims they accept bound 15,000 .xxx domains. They are not alone celebrities, but aswell domains that could accept been offensive—like cities or religious abstracts like Mohammed—and some exceptional names that they wish to bargain later.

The celebrities cover politicians like Sarah Palin and Barack Obama, musicians like Beyonce and Lady Gaga, or actors like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. It even has asleep celebrities like Amy Winehouse and Marilyn Monroe—or celebrities who accept alternate to their built-in planets afterwards their break on Earth, like Elvis.

Sarah Palin and Obama Won't Get Porn .XXX Sites

The account doesn't stop in potentially adult celebrities. It aswell includes Osama Bin Laden and Justin Bieber.

The aggregation is planning to banknote added on corporations. While humans would be able to annals their domains for $100, companies who wish their names afar from the internet's red ablaze commune would accept to pay amid $200 to $650. Able-bodied played, ICM, able-bodied played. [The Registry via Slashdot]

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